Friday, November 30, 2007

sources for Zeitgeist

Get Educated:

Get Educated:

Documentary Movies
Unprecedented - what happened in Florida during the 2000 election.
Unpatriotic - the Patriot Act and the erosion of our Rights
Zeitgeist - most see to believe. The power structure of the US and the world
Orwell Rolls in his grave - the state of modern journalism and the impact on media and
information sharing.
Outfoxed - Rupert Murdock and media conglomerates and the monopoly of information
Hijacking Catastrophe - 911 and the early Bush administration
Sicko - the sad state of Health Care
An Inconvenient Truth - Al Gore on Global Warming
Bowling for Columbine - fear and American culture

Sicko - the saddest American movie

After watching this film, you will be left only two choices: a), pack the bags and take the kids off to Norway; and b), GET INVOLVED!
If you are serious about protecting your future and your quality of life, this issue can hardly be ignored. Expect to cry and don't expect to be the same afterwards.

"Sicko" is a documentary film about health care by Michael Moore.